Michaela French

Maid of Honor: Michaela French

Michaela and Alyssa have been cousins for 31 years, fast friends for most of that time, and best friends since Michaela moved to Somerville in 2014. With the addition of Matt, they’re a perfect mix of The Three Musketeers and The Three Amigos. Michaela can often be found at Matt and Lyss’ house, making nachos to share while Matt picks a movie. This is Michaela’s first time being Maid of Honor, and she is tickled pink that it gets to be for her cousin.

Fun fact: On Alyssa’s Dad’s side of the family, there are 15 cousins, 5 of them girls, and all 5 girls share a freckle on their palm that showed up in their teens. (different palms, and slightly different locations, but pretty cool nonetheless) .

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