Jon Maciejewski

Best Man: Jon Maciejewski

Jon met Matt in middle school, and have been great friends since. From shooting threes in Matt’s driveway, to Halo tournaments in his basement and those wild nights on The Island, Matt and Jon made many memories throughout high school. After high school, he and Matt shared a room at UMass Amherst while they completed their Bachelor’s Degrees making more memories jamming out to The Killers, enjoying some fine Four Loko, and spending plenty of time with other groomsmen, Matt and Andy. Jon lived with Matt again in 2016 in Auburn, MA. Alyssa moved in shortly after in 2017. Jon, Matt, and Alyssa shared the same residence in Auburn, MA from 2017-2019. Jon moved to New Jersey in July 2019 with his girlfriend, Kim Giordano.

Fun Fact: Jon lived with Matt in four different locations and four different roommates. First, they lived together in Melville and Mackimmie in Southwest at UMass. Then, they lived with Andy P. and Matt H. at Townhouse 53. Finally, Jon moved in with Matt again in 2016 along with Phil G, who then moved out and Alyssa moved in.

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